Home - Welcome

Our site is here to represent all Airborne Sappers, we hope you find your visit to be interesting and informative. The association is a registered charity number 1009201 and has a written Constitution to ensure that everything is legal, formal and abiding.

Check out the Site News page for a snapshot of the latest updates.
Last site content update 18th June 2024.

Service Not Self

Book of Valhalla:

A Register for the unforseen

More information

John Rock:

John Rock - The History


Details of books related to Airborne Sappers can be found here

AGM 2024:

Updated 6th February 2024

The AGM will take place on 11th - 13th October 2024 and will be hosted by 299 Association in Hull

Added a booking proforma in Word & PDF formats. Click here to view 2024 AGM & Reunion


Double Hills:

Double Hills Memorial

Who's behind it and why we should never forget

Updated 4th April 2022

Op Freshman:

In memory of those who took part in Operation Freshman in November 1942.


Cromwell Lock:

Cromwell Lock Memorial

In memory of the ten Sappers from 300 Tp, 131 Indep Para Sqn RE (V) who lost their lives on the River Trent on 28th September 1975

Updated: 4th April 2022





Potential Merger of the AEA & REA(A)

Please refer to the PDF document below for details regarding the Potential merger of the Airborne Engineers Association and The Royal Engineers Association (Airborne Branch)

Please note: Any queries or questions should be sent in writing to our National Secretary, Mike Robertson, by 30th September 2024. You can contact Mike via email, as follows:

Message from the Association President June 2024

A warm welcome to all as it would appear that Summer is at last here. I must admit that I am a bit behind the curve in producing this update for the journal, sorry Dave. While on the subject of the Journal, and from who has become the driving force, Dave Pace has continued to gather information and review how we deliver this to the membership and other agencies. Delivering this information in a timely manner across the sites, both recording and archiving this information is a large task. I know that moving from hard copy to electronic copy seemed a big jump. However, once embracing the power of social media, and various social platforms, I found that as a user it was what was needed, especially as it is the future. More on this later as Dave continues to gather information, along with developing how best to take it forward.

I would also mention here Jon Nichols our Shop Manager and the other driving force for the AEA. Jon and Dave are working hard behind the scenes in ensuring that they can deliver what the members require, information on the Association, Public Relations and stock which is  what the membership want.

Both these individuals need your support, material for the Journal or web site, any information will be of assistance. Jon of course would welcome your ideas for stock, nothing is off the cards.

I was very proud to have been invited recently to a supper at 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment at the end of 51 Para Sqns development week.  As always it is great to speak to fellow Airborne soldiers and their outlook. Yes, when I look back it is a different army, but what is different. These young men and women have had a lot asked of them, operations, training teams and other commitments, they have risen to it all and are confident, outstandingly trained and very well led by NCOS and Officers.

Rock Barracks continues to grow with 70 Gurkha Para Sqn soon to join them.

I know that Steve and Mel continue to support a number of events across the UK, a big commitment but one that is appreciated by the members. As I type this, the Airborne Riders are ready to commence their organised events across the UK and if you can attend and support them well done. Along with the many other events that occur and supported by members I congratulate them on their commitment and hard work in maintaining these events.

I wish you all a great summer.

With best wishes

Baz Bassett
President, Airborne Engineers Association

Message from the Association Chairman June 2024

Hi to everyone and I hope that this finds you in good health and enjoying the summer, such as it has been.

It’s hard to believe that another six months have passed since the last edition of the Journal, it seems that the older we get the quicker time seems to fly by.

Much has happened since the last edition, not least of which was a near death brush with Sepsis that laid me low for several weeks, it’s not something that I would recommend to anyone and served to show how fragile we all are.

We are now into the planning for this year’s memorial events. Hardwick Hall was again attended by a stalwart group from the Birmingham Branch ensuring that the Corps was well represented at the commemoration to the first ever Airborne Depot, the place where the 1st Parachute Brigade trained before attending Parachute training at Ringway.

This year, being the 80th Anniversary of D Day and of Arnhem, I applied for 42 tickets to the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in London, to my surprise the request was granted by the Royal British Legion and so this year will see the largest AEA contingent at the Parade that we have ever had.

Important discussions have been taking place between the AEA Executive Committee, 23 Parachute Engineer Regt and the Royal Engineers Association to explore ways in which the AEA and the REA (Airborne) branch could merge, these discussions have been led by the AEA President Baz Bassett and Phil Taylor the Chairman of the REA(A) and also AEA Yorkshire Chairman, I appreciate that this is a very emotive subject, but it has to be addressed.  These discussions are ongoing, and the results will be passed to all of the Branches and AEA members for consideration. I stress that no decision to merge has been reached and that it will be for the AEA membership to decide in a ballot and I assure you that the executive committee will stand by the decision of the majority of AEA members whichever way the ballot goes. We will distribute updates as and when we get them.

I look forward to meeting many of you at the various events that we attend throughout the summer or at the AGM in Hull in October.

Best wishes from myself and Mel.

Steve Wallis
Chairman, Airborne Engineers Association

Message from our site Administrator

We're always looking for content for our site. It doesn't have to be related to your time in the Squadron, though that's always good, it can be about anything you're up to now. I'd be happy to hear from anyone who has content we can post on our site. Please get in touch via the Contact page, either by the web form or email and I'll get back to you

Many thanks

Dave Pace

Life Vice Presidents

Bob Ferguson
Tom Ormiston
Fred Gray
Ray Coleman
Chris Chambers
Bob Prosser BEM
Dave Rutter



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Airborne Engineers Association